
Frequently Asked Questions about dog breeding and ownership

Frequently asked questions

The Aussie belongs to breed group I according to the FCI classification. According to the FCI breed description, you must have certain standards in terms of appearance, which you can read about in detail on the AAPKK page!

Show Aussies are heavier, which is also reflected in their movement, their herding skills are also weaker.

They are light, thin-boned. They have a much higher load capacity and movement requirements. They have a herding instinct. Here, the aspect of breeding is willingness to work and speed.

A breeder is one who creates litter for the benefit of the breed in accordance with the criteria adopted by the Breeders’ Organization and the MEOESZ (FCI).

Only dogs who have reached the age of 12moths (for males) and 18months (for females) and:

-have a certificate of origin issued by or recognized by the FCI,
-have been certified as “breedable” or “recommended for breeding” at a breeding inspection organized or recognized by any breeders’ association,
-Obtained a “satisfactory” qualification in an aptitude test, instinct test organized or recognized by any breed care association
-have the necessary health screenings,
-the required exhibition and other qualifications have been obtained.


Minimum age for admission to breeding:

-In the case of males, 12 months of age
-In the case of bitches, 18 months of age 


Upper age limit for breeding:

-For the end of his life in males
-In the case of bitches at the age of 8.


Puppy intervals:

-from 1 bitch per calendar year 1 litter can be born and a bitch can give birth to a maximum of 6 litters

Registration issues

The FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) is an organization uniting the world’s breeders’ associations. It is based in Belgium. Its purpose is to promote breeding according to breed standards, thus avoiding distortions in the characteristic characteristics of dog breeds. It also provides links between member organizations and organizes exhibitions and competitions.

The Hungarian member organization of the FCI is the National Association of Hungarian Eben Breeders (MEOESZ).

MEOESZ is responsible for the compaction of breed care organizations and breeders, has the right to issue pedigrees, organize exhibitions and award exhibition titles, issue certificates; he can register the kennel and replace the kennel name, etc.

The breeding of the Astral Shepherd in Hungary is provided by the English and Australian Shepherd Dog Club and the Hungária Collie Sheltie Corgi Breeders Association. The two organizations enter into agreements regarding breeding requirements.

BudNat Aussies Australian Shepherd Kennel is a member of the English and Australian Shepherd Club. In short, AAPKK and follows his breeding rules.

January 2017, there are two types of pedigree (also known as pedigree). The pedigree contains the pedigree name, chip number, birth data, breeder’s name and address of the labrador puppy, and the puppy’s family tree / pedigree.


a.) Standard pedigree: both parents of the puppy have fulfilled the minimum set of conditions for breeding.


b.) Premium pedigree: both parents of the puppy fulfilled the conditions of increased / premium breeding. (except for the job exam, it is enough for one of the parties).


More information about the MEOESZ registration rules can be found at the following link:

A registration form is usually required for a puppy that

– the offspring of a parent who is either excluded from breeding or the dog itself is defective in color or coat

– the offspring of a parent who has not complied with the minimum conditions


Only puppies with a standard or premium pedigree are born in BudNat Aussies Kennel!

Since January 2017, MEOESZ has provided an opportunity for the breeder to decide for himself whether to consent to the later adoption of the puppy. We at BudNat Aussies kennel are happy with this opportunity because we have often encountered a case where the owners claim that the dog will be a family member and have no breeding goals, and then immediately after the first heat (not waiting until 18 months) they are covered . This dog-keeping behavior not only contradicts our principles, but also does not benefit the dog, in addition, it completely violates the rules described above.


At BudNat Aussies kennel, we strive to breed „perfect” family aussies, which is why we don’t always contribute to putting our puppies for later breeding. Thus, we always put „Not for breeding” on the pedigree of such puppies.


„Not for breeding” meaning = cannot be bred according to the previous owner’s instructions!


We are glad that as a breeder we have the opportunity to make this decision and to put a little barrier to the so-called „breeding”. We are even happier to agree with our principles!

Questions about health screening

Aussies, like all breeds, have certain inherited and common diseases that are worth knowing. The Australian Shepherd is basically a healthy breed, but unfortunately all breeds involve a narrowing of the gene pool which results in breed-specific diseases. Listed below are the tests we perform at each of our dogs at the BudNat Aussies Kennel, helping to ensure that only impeccable dogs are included in the breed. However, proper health screening results can reduce the chances of having a problem with your puppy.

Fortunately, most of the Aussie’s most problematic eye diseases now have very good genetic and physical tests that filter out sick dogs from breeding.

These tests are: CEA, PRA, HSF4, CMR1

Collie Eye Anomalia

A disorder of the development of the eye in which the retina, choroid, optic nerve, and tendon are damaged. The extent of the damage can be extremely diverse, ranging from mild to severe in blindness, and usually affects both eyes. It can occur in a similar proportion between female and male dogs, and the color of the animal does not affect the appearance of the disease.

Progressive Retina Atrophie

Retinal atrophy, PRA, is a genetically inherited eye disease associated with degenerative damage to the retina. This lesion affects the light-sensing cells of the retina (photoreceptors), the pins and chopsticks, which degenerate and atrophy during the disease. With this, the animal’s vision is continuously reduced until it completely loses its vision.

Recessive inheritance is characterized by the pairing of two individuals carrying the disease-causing gene with a 25% chance of developing the disease in the unborn offspring and a 50% chance of carrying the disease themselves.

For this reason, at BudNat Aussies Kennel, all of our dogs are subjected to PRA genetic testing.

Hereditary Cataracts

Cataracts are the “opacity” or loss of transparency of the lens of the eye. Opacity can be limited to a small area of ​​the lens or can affect the entire structure. A complete cataract affecting both eyes results in blindness, while a small non-progressive cataract does not interfere with vision. It is important that a dog carrying the HSF4 gene may have symptoms, not just a free one! Because it has an autosomal dominant inheritance, a single gene is enough for symptoms to appear. It is important that a dog carrying HSF4 may also have symptoms, not just a free one.

Canine Multifocal Retinopathy

Canine multifocal retinopathy causes blister-like defects in the retina that can gradually progress or disappear. Rarely, the disease may affect vision, but in most cases it is small and is mentioned in study reports as a “breeding opportunity”. The disease can be detected at the age of four months, but it can be difficult to examine the diagnosis. The CMR1 gene was found in the Aussies.

Most CMR dogs have normal vision, but dogs with reduced vision due to the disease should not be bred.

The word dysplasia (or dysplasia) – of Greek origin – means abnormal development. The term dysplasia is associated with musculoskeletal disorders in dogs such as hip, elbow and. it is used for developmental disorders of the shoulder joint, when the bone ends or the cartilage surfaces covering them do not fit together properly. As a result of this “mismatch”, partial joint sprain (subluxation), cartilage abrasions, degenerative joint lesions (arthrosis) may develop later, depending on the type and severity of the dysplasia.

In milder forms of dysplasia, the dog may live his life asymptomatically, but in the case of more severe dysplasia, severe movement disorders and lameness with constant joint pain may develop.

In terms of its forms, we distinguish between hip dysplasia (HD) (most commonly referred to simply as dysplasia), and elbow dysplasia (ED) (its importance is growing).

It is important to know that when we talk about a dysplastic dog, we distinguish between:


1. a dog carrying the disease, which can be confirmed by X-rays, has an inadequate joint structure, inherits the disease, but is asymptomatic, which is dysplastic from a breeding point of view, but does not require medical treatment


2. a lame dog that carries the disease, can be confirmed by X-rays, has an inadequate joint structure, inherits the disease and has movement disorders due to its disease, and is called a clinically dysplastic dog.


The (1.), un. from a breeding point of view a dysplastic dog can of course later also be a (2.) clinically dysplastic dog, but even if the dog is only breeding dysplastic, in a lucky (mild) case it can live its life without lameness, without any problems, except for the breedability aspects.


The motto of BudNat Aussies Kennel is: “The basis of breeding is ruthless selection!” Thus, we only breed dogs whose screening results comply with the AAPKK breeding regulations! That is:

– Hip dysplasia: HD A (free), B (almost free), C (mild)
– Elbow dysplasia: ED 0 (free), 1 (mild)

Hip Dysplasia

Dysplasia is an abnormal, development in medical parlance. The bone ends that make up the joints and the cartilage surfaces that cover them are inaccurate. Due to improper fit, degenerative joint lesions (arthrosis), joint sprain (subluxation) and cartilage wear may develop later, depending on the type and degree of dysplasia.

HD can only be screened in a clinical trial, and the results of free parents do not guarantee a free puppy! This must be calculated by all owners!

Hip dysplasia: HD A (free), B (almost free), C (mild)

Elbow Dysplasia

Elbow Dysplasia Elbow (front limb) dysplasia is almost as common as hip dysplasia.

Elbow dysplasia is thus a hereditary developmental disorder found mainly in large dog breeds, which develops between the ages of 4 and 8 months and leads to irreversible joint damage, arthrosis, with pain and consequent lameness, without proper treatment.

Elbow dysplasia: ED 0 (free), 1 (mild)

These include, in particular, diseases of the nervous system and resistance to toxic substances.

Such studies: MDR1, DM, NCL8

Multi-Drug Resistance

When the MDR1 gene is mutated, P-glycoprotein is unable to produce. As a result, toxic agents accumulate in brain tissue and cause poisoning.

Individuals of susceptible breeds, as well as mixtures thereof, show symptoms of severe intoxication (ataxia, lethargy, nervous system cramps) that develop rapidly after administration of drugs that are otherwise safe for use in veterinary medicine.

Examples of such drugs that are relatively widely used in veterinary medicine include ivermectin, loperamide, doxorubicin, cyclosporin, digoxin, acepromazine, butorphanol, and many other compounds.

Affected individuals often die despite symptomatic treatment.

Degeneratív Myelopathia

Degenerative Myelopathy This is caused by a genetic mutation. This mutation is almost certainly inherited in puppies as a recessive trait, as it is more common in certain purebreed dogs. In terms of symptoms, weakness in the hindquarters predominates.

Initially, only situational disturbances can be detected, the so-called ataxia, followed by an increasingly severe weakening of the hindquarters, followed by complete inability to walk.

Apart from the above symptoms, the involvement of the otherwise healthy forelegs of the animal is not typical, and weakening of the forelimbs may be expected in the final stage of the disease.

Neuronális Ceroid Lipofusciosis

Neuronal Ceroid Lipofusciosis Affected dogs begin to show signs at half and 1 year of age. These can occur with seizures, but they can lose their sight, show circular behavior, dementia, and show aggression. The disease kills the dog by the age of 2-3.

Immunization issues

Immunization of puppies in our kennel starts from the age of 3 weeks, which can be continued even after moving to your new home in order to become a healthy adult.



In our kennel you will receive:

– At 6 weeks of age: Against parvovirus diarrhea
– At 8 weeks of age combined vaccination: downy mildew, adenoviruses, parainfluenza, leptospirosis against parvovirus diarrhea.

After he got to the owner:

– At 12 weeks of age combined vaccination: lice, adenoviruses, parainfluenza, leptospirosis against parvovirus diarrhea
– At 14 weeks of age: 1. rabies vaccination, to be repeated after 6 months
– At 9 months of age: 2. rabies vaccination
– Once a year after one year of age: combined vaccination and rabies vaccination. Avoid rabies and combination vaccination in dogs at the same time as this may cause an allergic attack.


Worm drive:

In our kennel you will receive:

– 3-5-7 weeks of age

After he got to the owner

– At 11 weeks of age
– At 13 weeks of age
– Repeat every 3 months from here!
– At 6 months of age
– At 9 months of age
– At 12 months of age


Protection against heartworms, ticks and fleas (drops, collar, tablets depending on body weight) should be started from 3 months of age.

Aussies maintenance-related questions

The dog house must be well insulated. The dog’s permanent location should be protected from strong sunlight. However, the Aussie likes to stay where its owners are, so while being free, they like to spend their time in the house, in an apartment at the owner’s feet, instead of at the dog house.

You can find information about the standard size of dog houses at .

For an adult Aussie, we recommend the L-sized dog house.

Purebred dogs have a higher developmental intensity than the mix, so it is especially important to give them a good quality, protein-rich diet appropriate to their body size and age, especially during the growth phase. Eg: Nekmar, Aston, DaDo, Eukanuba, Royal Canin, Select Gold, Happy Dog, Belcando etc.


In addition to these, no additional vitamins are needed, they contain everything your dog needs. Fish feeds are especially good, making dogs ’hair shiny. Feeding with premium or super premium quality food is justified until at least six months of age. The daily dose of food is based on the age and adult weight (sex) of the dog.


From taking puppies to 4 months of age: feeding 3 times a day is recommended. If you want to feed other foods at home, it is initially recommended to mix the current and new foods initially.

– Boiled chicken meat (minced chicken breast minced for small puppies)

– Chicken carcass (duck, goose)

– Beef, venison

– Duck neck

– Add cooked rice and carrots

– Also with other vegetables and fruits: e.g. apples, bananas, beets, pumpkins, peaches, yogurt


Always have fresh water in front of our dog!

– tubular bone (rabbit, chicken femur)
– avocado, mushrooms, garlic, potato peel
– grapes, raisins, rhubarb, chewing gum, tea, salty and spicy dishes, especially stews

– chocolate (TOXIC)

– sweetened food, alc. drinks (TOXIC)

Taking a puppy home

We should prepare for the reception of the puppy. Plan your place! In the case of an outdoor dog, obtain a dog house, in the case of an indoor dog, a basket or a sponge bed. In the case of an indoor puppy, it may be worth getting a few dog mice, although Aussies can be very easily raised to room cleanliness due to their intelligence.


Provide a feeding and watering bowl, and in the case of an indoor dog, a coaster.

ATTENTION! Puppy dogs tend to spill the water bowl and because of their water worship they very often paddle with their first feet in the drinking bowl.

When the puppy arrives at his new home, we recommend that he be


fed the food he has received in our kennel for the time being. You may still want to continue feeding with the same premium diet, but if you choose a different diet, it is recommended to give a mix of old and new diets initially. The collar and leash are still available, as the puppies cannot walk on a leash when they are taken home, they have to be taught separately.


ATTENTION! Puppies are not allowed to come into contact with other dogs, go on street walks and dog runners until they have received their first rabies vaccination, which is due at 14 weeks of age. It is worth rearranging the apartment for “puppy for sure” for 1-2 months, until the little one gets used to the rules.

The tiny puppy should be transported in an open, flat paper box on top, and a dog toy can be placed in the box. If the boxed solution is not to your liking, the puppy will be well at the feet of one of the passengers in the car. We can alleviate his horror if someone on the road caresses and talks to him.


Please do not place the puppy in the trunk alone or take it home in a carrier under any circumstances, as this may cause the puppy to “be shocked” and vomit from nervousness.

In the days after the puppy is taken home, you should see your home veterinarian, who will monitor the dog’s development later, provide you with the necessary vaccinations, and take care of in case of illness.


The keeping of the dog must be reported/registered within 8 days!

Aussies issues related to socialization and upbringing

Puppies are also like babies, they don’t know where to “go out” unless we teach them. If we follow some very helpful parenting tips, our puppy will surely learn soon “fitting in the family” and will be a house clean,soon. Getting used to room/house clean is one of the most difficult tasks for puppies a few months old. This is because puppies six months of age or younger are unable to regulate their bladder function for more than a few hours.


Therefore, if we are away from home for 4-5 hours a day, this is clearly not the right time to buy a young puppy. However, if there is nothing to stop you from accommodating a newcomer, keep an eye on it and don’t let it get dirty in the room. Take them out every two hours for a few days after coming home, especially if they’ve eaten and played before. Pay attention to “tell-tale” signs such as sniffing or walking around. In this case, grab the leash immediately and take it to your favorite place where it can lighten itself. If it does his thing there, let’s praise and reward  with some delicacy. If it does its things outside, we will praise him every time, right after emptying.


Never wait with it until home, because that is the only way to learn what we expect from him. Let these praises be a bit exaggerated, since the puppy does not yet know our language, he only distinguishes his right and wrong actions from exaggerated emphases and gestures. If we have already found a place where our puppy is happy to go, if the “need” drives him, we should always return to the same place.


If he accidentally does it inside, spray these places inside the apartment with some strong-smelling spray so he doesn’t feel the smell of it and doesn’t invite the puppy to another “accident”. If we catch him as soon as he goes inside, meanwhile we suddenly catch him, let’s go out with him and scold him in the meantime.


After cleaning up, “take the package to the place where you should have originally done your thing. Smell detection helps him identify the terrain, so he remembers sooner that he should always go there. When the puppy is just urinating, we comment on the big event with the words “pee is a good puppy!” Or similar encouraging phrases so we can get a few words of encouragement after a few times to do the thing in the place we have chosen and is perfect for the purpose. To puppies between  10-15 weeks of age,after feeding always should be walked out.


If we were successful, we could also praise it with a reward bite. In old age, it works the other way around: we move our puppy before dinner! Raising a puppy to room clean certainly requires increased vigilance, a lot of patience and perseverance. Never apply corporal punishment to a puppy if he accidentally pees. He doesn’t understand what’s happening and why, so we do more harm to him than any use.

In addition to room clean, we also need to pay attention to the social behavior of our Aussies. The first step in this is for our new family member to recognize and listen to his/her name so that they can be called.


The presence of the collar and leash is a stranger to the Aussie, so when we first take it for a walk it will be timid and will stretch itself and the leash backwards. Our good advice is not to give up, just practice. The internet has many descriptions of the tricks of walking on a leash.


We recommend Kebtanoda Dog Sports Association, KEKSE. Find Tibor János Sipos with confidence.


In the meantime, we also have to gradually get used to the noise of the street, such as the noise of passing cars, the noise of busy roads, the noise of trams or trains, the noise of crowds, e.g. in a mall, and we must separately teach him to circulate on stairs, escalators, elevators. It is part of responsible dog keeping that the presence of our Aussies is neither scary nor stressful for anyone, does not jump on strangers, does not bark unnecessarily, and is friendly to humans and animals alike. This absolutely requires socialization and the acquisition of basic obedience. The best way to learn this is to learn the basic rules of behavior with your puppy in a dog school.